In her own words

Jasmine Guzman

I am the youngest in my family, although I was not first generation to pursue further education. My older sister attended UCLA for 1 year and went on academic probation then it took her almost 10 years to gain her Bachelors due to life circumstances. I on the other hand felt like I was first gen, due to my steady consistent journey to further my education I received my bachelors and currently working on my masters. I aspire to be an example even to my older sister that although I am the youngest and I have had my share of life difficulties it is possible to work 2 jobs (1 Full-time, 1 Part-time), school full time, have a strong spirituality, have a healthy lifestyle by upholding physical activity, and still have a social life IS POSSIBLE. With this scholarship it would allow for less financial stress and also add to my ultimate goal on making things possible. Finding a way and a solution to make things happen for your dreams. I aspire to be a licensed clinical social worker and offering therapy to individuals helping them live out there desired lives and heal from past trauma. Anything is possible if we create a plan and are intentional with our time in order to actively execute the plan.

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